Sunday, December 27, 2009


Christmas was fantastic! It was probably my favorite Christmas I can remember in years. I was able to spend several days in Idaho with my fantastic family. We did all of our traditional things--hour d' oeurve dinner for Christmas Eve, acting out the manger scene while my dad read Luke 2, opening almost all our gifts Christmas Eve night, Christmas dinner at my Grandparents' house, sledding at the cabin, etc. Oh, how magical it was!
I think the highlight of the holiday season was the sub-for-santa I was able to organize. My "litter sister" through the Big Brother Big Sisters program comes from a very low-income family. Her mother asked me a while back if I knew of any programs that could help her with gifts for her kids for Christmas. I decided to organize a gift collection through my office. Wow! I was overwhelmed with the generosity of my co-workers! The five children in this family were so spoiled for Christmas! Here is my roommate's SUV totally FILLED with gifts! It was so fantastic to see the look on the dad's eyes as he helped unload the car. Wow. What an awesome feeling!

I hope your Christmas was just as great as mine!


*Brittany* said...

Looks like it was a fun Christmas!

Kinley said...

That is so cool you did that for that family! I can't believe how big Brock's girls are getting! Crazy! Well, Merry Christmas and enjoy the New Year!

Teeners said...

I'm glad that you had so much fun. Did you ever hear from your "friend" about the sub-for-Santa?

LittleFamilyJL said...

Oh Randah! You are so beautiful. And that story of your sub for santa experience was touching. Merry Christmas!